
Showing posts from July, 2018

Career-related website

I use internet all the time, I use it to study, to relax, to talk with friends, to do many things. For this reason, I visit a lot of websites like Netflix, Cuevana2, Facebook, etc. But the one that I use and visit the most is YouTube (  Nowadays everybody knows what YouTube is and what it looks like, it is a web where you can upload, view and comment videos, you can also subscribe to other users.  I think YouTube can be a great tool for studying if you know how to use it, there is a huge amount of information, not all of it its useful so you must be careful. There are many channels dedicated to science you can find experiments, didactic information, videos with the point of view of professionals, etc. This website has really helped me to understand a lot of new topics, I had understood things that I didn't understand from the explanation of the teacher, because in YouTube you can find a lot of videos of solved exercises of calculus, chemistry, physics, e

The music in my life.

I love music, it’s part of my daily routine I always listen to music when I’m walking,when I’m studying,   in the subway, etc.  My favorites genres are J-Rock (Japanese rock), Rock and Pop. By far my most loved bands are The Gazette and Imagine dragon. The Gazette has been my favorite band since I was 14, it’s a Japanese Rock band, they came to Chile in 2003, I went to the concert, I was in the first row jumping and singing until I was completely exhausted, it was wonderful. I think one of the best ways to enjoy music is going to a concert. I still like most of the music that I heard as a kid, I still sing to Disney’s and old anime’s songs. However, sometimes I have heard so many times the same song that I get bored of it, the same happens if I use one of them as my alarm. In movies, I always like the soundtracks of Studio Ghibli, like the one in Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle or When Marnie was there,  they are just instrumental songs, I like the harmony in thi


I don’t think I have a favorite photograph, I love all of the old photos that my parents have in boxes, the one of their and mine childhood, our family, our vacations, etc. We see them sometimes and is nice to remember things that happen so long ago. For this reason is hard to pick just one, but if I have to choose I would pick out one when my dog, Mochi, was still a puppy. Probably my favorite is one where my dog is standing over a stuffed  dinosaur. I took it almost 9 years ago, when she was just 1 month old. I think I like this photo so much because is one of the few that I have of her when was so tiny, it’s a precious memory. I really regret not having taken more photograph of my dog, she grow up really fast and I only took a few photos of her, now I took as many photos as I can.